Chorus Contest of Revolutionary Songs
Spring comes back to life and Anqing Foreign Language School’s campus is blaring with revolutionary songs.
To begin with, in order to practice the ‘20th  National Congress’, forge ahead in the new era, carry forward the excellent tradition of patriotism, cultivate students' great feelings of loving the Party and patriotism, and create a good school cultural atmosphere, on 27th February, the Moral Education Department, Teaching Department, History Group and Art Group of Anqing Foreign Language School’s west campus jointly held the ‘Revolutionary Songs’ chorus competition with the theme of ‘Practicing the 20th National Congress and Forging Ahead in the New Era’.
To be concrete, this activity was hosted by two students, Fang Zimo and Ding Xing. The participating teams were full of spirit and the singers sang loud, which was impressive and marvellous. More noticeably, the biggest highlight of this activity was the introduction of the latest way of live broadcasting. From the initial planning and publicity to the mid-stage training, implementation and the final effect presentation, this activity was rigorously organized, presenting a feast of ‘Revolutionary Songs’ competition. On the other hand, the grand event expressed the love of teachers and students for the Party and the motherland, which won the applause from the audience inside and outside the lecture hall.
To sum up, this activity further inspired students' love for the motherland, deepened their understanding of history and culture, and improved their artistic quality, which imperceptibly sublimated students' national pride and sincere feelings for the Party. Thus, let us join hands and pool our strength to carry the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on our shoulders and make our great motherland more prosperous and strong!








